Current Rates

Communication Federal Credit Union offers competitive deposit rates and low interest rates on a variety of loan products.

If you have questions or would like to speak to a friendly CFCU representative please visit your local branch or call us at 800.522.3535.

(Other rates and terms available, call 800.654.LOAN)

Rates effective March 18, 2025

You can view Communication Federal Credit Union’s most current rates for deposit accounts and loan products in the tables below.

Checking & Savings Rates

Product Balance APY^ Dividend Rate Rate Type
Performance Checking ($25 Minimum to Open) $0.01 – $30,000 4.00%¹ 3.93% Variable
Performance Checking ($25 Minimum to Open) Over $30,000 4.00% – 0.10%¹ 0.10% Variable
Regular Savings Over $5 0.10% 0.10% Variable
Share Draft Over $0 0.10% 0.10% Variable
Money Max $0-$4,999 0.10% 0.10% Variable
Money Max $5,000 – $9,999 0.25% 0.25% Variable
Money Max $10,000 – $24,999.99 0.30% 0.30% Variable
Money Max $25,000 – $49,999.99 0.40% 0.40% Variable
Money Max $50,000 – $99,999.99 0.45% 0.45% Variable
Money Max $100,000 + 0.50% 0.50% Variable
Reverse-Tier Money Max $0 – $2,000 2.50% 2.47% Variable
Reverse-Tier Money Max $2,000.01 – $4,000 2.50% – 2.13% 1.74% Variable
Reverse-Tier Money Max $4,000.01 – $6,000 2.13% – 1.75% 1.00% Variable
Reverse-Tier Money Max Over $6,000 1.75% – 0.10% 0.10% Variable
Liquid Gold Money Market $0 – $249,999.99 0.10% 0.10% Variable
Liquid Gold Money Market $250,000 – $499,999.99 1.00% 1.00% Variable
Liquid Gold Money Market Over $500,000 1.25% 1.24% Variable
Blue Savings for Business Over $0 4.00% 3.92% Variable

^APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates may change at any time without notice.

¹ Performance Checking Reward Rate Qualifications: 

To qualify for the reward rate and ATM refunds, you must use your Performance Checking account to meet all of the following qualifications during each qualification cycle.

  1. Make a minimum of 12 debit card purchases (excluding ATM transactions) totaling at least $500. (Posted during each qualification cycle.)
  2. Receive electronic deposits totaling at least $1,500. (Posted during each qualification cycle.)
    • Electronic deposits include direct deposits, ATM deposits, mobile deposits, and electronic transfers from another financial institution.
  3. Have at least one ACH automatic debit transaction. (Posted during each qualification cycle.)
  4. Enroll in and receive eStatements.

(1) Balances up to $30,000 receive APY of 4.00%; and (2) balances over $30,000 earn 0.10% interest rate on portion of balance over $30,000, resulting in 4.00% – 0.10% APY depending on the balance.

If qualifications are not met, all balances earn 0.10% APY.

Qualifying transactions must post to and settle in account during monthly qualification cycle. Transactions may take one or more business days from the date transaction was made to post to an account. ATM-processed transactions do not count towards qualifying debit card purchases.

“Monthly Qualification Cycle” means a period beginning on the 25th day of the month and ending on the 24th day of the following month. Transfers between accounts do not count as qualifying transactions. Fees may reduce earnings.

Share Certificate Rates

Product Balance APY^ Dividend Rate Rate Type
6 Month Share/IRA Certificate $1,000 2.85% 2.82% Fixed
1 Year Share/IRA Certificate $1,000 2.95% 2.91% Fixed
13 Month Special Certificate $1,000 4.10% 4.03% Fixed
18 Month Share/IRA Certificate $1,000 2.95% 2.91% Fixed
2 Year Share/IRA Certificate $1,000 2.95% 2.91% Fixed
26 Month Special Certificate $1,000 3.95% 3.88% Fixed
3 Year Share/IRA Certificate $1,000 2.90% 2.86% Fixed
39 Month Special Certificate $1,000 3.95% 3.88% Fixed
4 Year Share/IRA Certificate $1,000 3.10% 3.05% Fixed
5 Year Share/IRA Certificate $1,000 3.10% 3.05% Fixed

^APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are subject to change at any time. Fees can reduce earnings on some accounts. Some criteria may need to be met to earn stated rate. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. For a limited time, CFCU is offering “Step-Up” share certificates on 2 to 5-year terms that allow you to move to the current rate and add funds one time during the certificate term. Initial rates are the same as other share certificates of the same term. Special certificates are not available as step-up certificates. 

IRA & HSA Rates

Product Balance APY^ Dividend Rate Rate Type
IRA Share Account $0 – $4,999.99 0.10% 0.10% Variable
IRA Share Account $5,000 – $9,999.99 0.25% 0.25% Variable
IRA Share Account $10,000 – $24,999.99 0.30% 0.30% Variable
IRA Share Account $25,000 – $49,999.99 0.40% 0.40% Variable
IRA Share Account $50,000 – $99,999.99 0.45% 0.45% Variable
IRA Share Account $100,000 + 0.50% 0.50% Variable
Health Savings Account Over $0 0.10% 0.10% Variable

^APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are subject to change at any time. Fees can reduce earnings on some accounts. Some criteria may need to be met to earn stated rate. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. 

Fixed Rate Loans

Type of Loan Term APR* Rate Type
Storm Shelter Loan Up to 36 mos 4.99% Fixed
Auto 2017-2025 66 mos 6.24% Fixed
Auto 2020-2025 78 mos 6.74% Fixed
Auto 2021-2025 (Up to 75,000 Miles) 84 mos 6.99% Fixed
Auto 2015-2016 54 mos 7.99% Fixed
Auto 2013-2014 48 mos 8.24% Fixed
Boat/RV 2020-2025 72 mos 9.99% Fixed
Boat/RV 2016-2019 60 mos 12.49% Fixed
Boat/RV 2012-2015 54 mos 12.99% Fixed
Motorcycle 2022-2025 72 mos 12.24% Fixed
Motorcycle 2019-2021 48 mos 13.99% Fixed
Signature 36 mos 13.24% Fixed

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Loan rates published are as low as the stated rate. Rates can vary depending upon collateral, term, loan type and credit history. Rates may change without notice. Payment Example: A fixed rate auto loan with an APR of 7.74% and a term of 60 months will cost $20.15 per month per $1,000 borrowed. Current CFCU loans not eligible for refinance at these rates.

Other Loan Rates

Type of Loan Term APR* Rate Type
Flex Loan N/A 16.40% Variable
Share Secured 60 mos Share Rate + 3.00% Variable
Certificate Secured CD Term CD Rate + 2.00% Fixed
Visa Platinum See Disclosure 13.24%** Variable
Visa Platinum Rewards See Disclosure 14.24%** Variable
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*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Loan rates published are as low as the stated rate. Rates can vary depending upon collateral, term, loan type and credit history. Rates may change without notice. Payment Example: A fixed rate auto loan with an APR of 7.74% and a term of 60 months will cost $20.15 per month per $1,000 borrowed. Current CFCU loans not eligible for refinance at these rates.

**Credit Card Annual Percentage Rate as low as the stated rates and based on member’s credit history. Rates subject to change after account opening.

Other rates and terms available, call 800-654-LOAN for details. Current CFCU loans cannot be refinanced at these rates.

Mortgage and Home Equity Loans available. Please contact the CFCU mortgage department for details and rates at 800.522.3535 or request a rate quote rate online here.